Hooter Hiders Nursing Cover - Verbena

Hooter Hiders
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  • The Nursing Cover that started it all. Since 2004, Hooter Hiders have combined fashion and function to help moms feel comfortable breastfeeding in public, while also allowing them to express their sense of style.
  • Hooter Hiders Nursing Covers have a patented, RigiflexTM, open neckline that holds the cover away from mom and baby- allowing them to maintain eye contact so they can continue to bond while breastfeeding on the go.
  • External pocket perfect for storing breast pads, pacifiers or a cell phone
  • Convenient matching carry pouch to take on-the-go.
  • Secure and adjustable, the neck strap holds the nursing cover in place, giving you privacy and confidence while breastfeeding, wherever you are. Made from 100% premium cotton - machine washable.

  • Nurse discreetly and in style. The Hooter Hiders nursing cover is touted as a "Mommy Must-Have" by mothers, celebrities, and medical professionals. Our award winning nursing covers are sought by nursing moms everywhere.
    Brand: Hooter Hiders, Model: CHVER, Color: Verbena

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