Versatile ornament storage box with removable dividers
Single handle for maximum portability
Lid slides on snugly to protect ornaments in storage
Folds flat for easy storage under the bed or small spaces
40 ornament compartments; dividers can be removed
Made with red nylon fabric and green piping accents
Dimensions: 30" L x 17.5" W x 5" H
You're a holiday pro who never breaks down—make sure your Christmas tree ornaments follow in suit with help from this Ornament Storage Box with Dividers. Its nylon-polyester design protects your keepsakes from shattering on the floor or at the hands of The Grinch. You can tuck all your sparkly snowflakes and Christmas pickles into each one of the 40 compartments or remove the dividers so large ornaments can lounge a little more freely. And when you're satisfied that you've found the best ornament storage solution of the season, slide the low profile container beneath your bed or let it drink champagne with the other Christmas storage bins. Brand: Honey-Can-Do, Model: SFT-01597, Color: Red, Size: Large
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