hOmeLabs Portable Ice Maker Machine for Counter Top - Makes 26 lbs of Ice per 24 hours - Ice Cubes ready in 6 Minutes - Electric Ice Making Machine with Ice Scoop and 1.5 lb Ice Storage - Silver

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Brand hOmeLabs
Model HME010019N
Color Silver

  • PORTABLE ICE POWER - Countertop ice maker produces 26 pounds of ice per day and stores up to 1.5 pounds of ice at a time
  • FAST ICE CUBES - Beautiful 9-piece batches of bullet-shaped ice cubes are ready for beverages in just 8 to 12 minutes
  • QUIET COOLING - Ice making machine features modern refrigeration technology and quiet compressor cooling
  • AUTO SHUT OFF - Portable ice machine comes with small BPA free plastic ice scoop and removable ice basket, and automatically shuts off when ice is full
  • SIZE & USE - Safe and ETL Certified electric ice maker measures 9.5 x 12.9 x 14 inches and is ready to use out of the box - no installation necessary

  • The hOme Portable Ice Maker is a sleek, high performance countertop ice making machine that produces 26 lbs of ice per day and stores up to 1.5 lbs of ice. In just 6 to 8 minutes, you'll have beautiful, smooth, bullet-shaped ice cubes that make every drink a pleasure to enjoy! This modern ice maker automatically shuts off when ice is full; it's simple to fill and drain; and it's ready to use out of the box - no installation necessary. With a new, easy-to-use control panel, it's is perfect for kitchens, recreational vehicles, boats, bars, backyards and more!

    Product Details & Features

  • Ice maker size: 9.5 x 12.9 x 14 inches
  • Water reservoir capacity: 2.2 liters / 0.58 gallons
  • Ice production: 26 lbs of ice per day
  • Ice storage: 1.5 lbs of ice
  • Ice time: Ready in 6 - 8 minutes
  • Power: 100W / 110V / 60Hz
  • Smooth bullet-shaped ice cubes
  • Auto shut off when ice is full
  • Easy to fill and drain water quickly
  • Simple-to-use control panel
  • Comes with small ice scoop and removable ice basket
  • Certifications: ETL, CE-EMC, CE-LVD, FDA, ROHS
  • Custom Tab 01

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