Himalayan Dog Chew Medium 2.3 oz

Himalayan Dog Chew
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  • Ancient recipe from the Himalayas
  • All natural ingredients: yak and cow milk, salt and lime juice
  • Guaranteed analysis: protein 526 -percent carbohydrates 303-percent fat 09 -percent ash food 60 -percent moisture 102 -percent
  • No preservatives
  • About 1-inch around and 6-inches in length

  • The Original Himalayan Dog Chew is a very long lasting dog chew. Himalayan Dog Chews are made by boiling yak and cow milk and then dried for several weeks to create a hard chew. Dogs must work the end of the treat for hours, softening it with their mouths before small parts of it can be slowly scraped off. It is 100-percent natural with no preservatives. It is an authentic type of cheese eaten by the people of the Himalayas. When you give this Himalayan Dog Chew to your dog, you know that you are providing them with hours of high quality eating entertainment. Packaged by weight, quantities and size vary.
    Brand: Himalayan Dog Chew, Model: 28942, Color: Green, Size: Medium 2.3 oz Single

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