VeinCareKey Ingredients: Guggul, Indian Barberry, Triphala
36 published clinical trials
Supports the normal integrity of the vascular system
Supports the normal tone of the venous walls
Supports the normal metabolic process involved in proper vein structure
VeinCare (internationally known as Pilex) and 60 Vcaps and You and re so vein, you probably think this and herbal formulation was made just for you. (It was!) Made with Guggul, Indian Barberry, and Triphala, VeinCare was designed to help support the metabolic process involved in maintaining your vascular system and integrity for optimum comfort and appearance. 36 published clinical trials have shown VeinCare to be an effective way to support normal tone of venous walls for healthy legs and anal comfort. (These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease). Still family owned, Himalaya Herbal Healthcare has been in existence for 77 years and is now available in 76 countries. With an 80,000 sq. ft. RandD facility and more than 100 physicians and scientists on staff, over 20 billion tablets and Vcaps are produced each year in GMP facilities. One Himalaya product is bought every quarter of a second somewhere in the world. Herbs are grown on over 700 acres of organic farmland and 1,112 clinical trials have been published on Himalaya products. Brand: Himalaya Herbal Healthcare, Model: 605069011013, Size: 60 capsules
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