Hifime Sabre 9018 USB DAC

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  • Ultra detailed sounding Sabre ES9018K2M DAC chip and Sabre 9601 output stage chip
  • No drivers needed, supports high resolutions up to 96khz/24bit. Low power consumption (40-80mA). Works with (some) Android and iPhones
  • Optimised design using 4 layer PCB, ultra low noise regulator LP5907 with noise reducing aluminium solid capacitors
  • Includes output chip that supports most headphones and line level loads. 110dB THDN:2Vrms600ohm, 100dB THDN:30mW32ohm
  • Volume level can be adjusted with computer hardware keys

  • The Hifime 9018 DAC is a great sounding audiophile DAC at an unbelievable price. We have picked the most important features to include in this DAC be able to make a incredible sounding DAC at this low price. It comes in a new nice looking case which is still simple and keeps cost down. The sound from the Sabre 9018 is very detailed with a great soundstage. The 9018 DAC chip is a high end chip and combined with the Sabre headphone driver makes a great sounding combo. The noise floor is very low and can be used with also the most sensitive headphones. It is tested to work and sound great with Audio Technica ath-m50 (38 ohm, 99dB), Sennheiser hd650 (300 ohm, 103 dB), IEM: JH Audio JH-13 (28 ohm, 116dB). The Sabre 9018 works without drivers with all major systems and programs; Windows, MAC, Linux. iTunes, Spotify, and Android. The Sabre 9018 DAC can play any format (MP3, AIFF, FLAC etc) from CD quality up to high resolution 96kHz/24bit files. It does not support 196k or 384kHz natively, nor does it play DSD files. Why Most people does not have 192/384/DSD files. You do not benefit from a 384kHz capable DAC when playing CD quality (or high resolution 96kHz) files. If you need a 192kHz/384kHz/DSD DAC then we have other options for you. We have intentionally omitted this for all of our customers that don't play 384kHz/DSD so you can save and get a better sounding CD quality DAC.
    Brand: Hifime, Model: uae23hd

    Custom Tab 01

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