Steel spikes release air bubbles from epoxy and gunite overlays, while protecting these materials from footprints
Strong 1-1/2 inch steel spikes positioned to distribute weight across shoe
Back stop of shoe prevents work boots from moving around on the shoe
Plastic clasps on adjustable nylon straps provide a comfortable fit to secure the spiked shoe to boot
Sold in pairs
Protect your work and bring air bubbles out of applications with this pair of Gunite spiked shoes. Thirteen 1-1/2 inch steel spikes (overall length) are precisely positioned around the hard plastic base for balance when walking on epoxy, gunite, and shotcrete materials. The back of each shoe has a stop to prevent work boots from moving around the shoe. Each shoe is equipped with two adjustable nylon straps that fit around the work boot. Plastic clasps secure straps to minimize loosening that occurs with Velcro closures. The overall length of shoe is 12-inches. Use with work boots for safety. One size fits most. Kraft Tool co. Has been an American manufacturer of quality hand tools for the concrete, masonry, asphalt, plaster, drywall, tile, floor covering, and leveling trades for over 30 years. Brand: Hi-Craft, Model: HC178, Color: Black
Custom Tab 01
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