Immune Avenger herbal formula supports children's response to immune system distress
This multi-tasking formula is prepared from certified organic herbs harvested at their peak of potency
Herb Pharm individually extracts each herb prior to blending to provide a broad spectrum of immune-responsive plant compounds
Includes easy-to-follow dosing instructions based on body weight; simply add drops to a small amount of water or juice
Recommended by Aviva Romm, MD, an internationally-respected expert in botanical and integrative medicine for women and children
Herb Pharm Kids Certified-Organic Alcohol-Free Immune Avenger Herbal Formula supports children's response to immune system distress. This multi-tasking formula is prepared from certified organic herbs harvested at their peak of potency. Herb Pharm individually extracts each herb prior to blending to provide a broad spectrum of immune-responsive plant compounds. Easy-to-follow dosing instructions based on body weight are included; simply add drops to a small amount of water or juice at the first sign of symptoms. The experts at Herb Pharm select only those herbs that time and experience have proven safe and effective for children. Herb Pharm Kids Certified-Organic Alcohol-Free Immune Avenger Herbal Formula, like all Herb Pharm Kids' herbs, is recommended Aviva Romm, MD, an internationally-respected expert in botanical and integrative medicine for women and children. Brand: Herb Pharm, Model: 090700003081, Size: 1 Ounce
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