HELLA 3AG 003 399-801 003399801 Supertone 12V High Tone/Low Tone Twin Horn Kit

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Model 3AG 003 399-801

  • These are the famous loud and powerful Dual Supertone Horns which look and sound like nothing else on the road. These horns guarantee the attention needed in every situation.
  • Coming with a black Coated Metal body with a Red Protective Grille for a distinctive and stylish look, these horns are for the performance oriented driver for whom a high level of safety combined with great design and high quality is key.
  • HELLA Super Tone horns guarantee best functionality, optimum fit and long lasting customer satisfaction.
  • Original equipment quality horns you can trust from a global leader in automotive technologies for more than 100 years.
  • Super tone horns come with a M8 screw horn bracket and with flat connections of 6.3 mm, open, blade type.
  • High tone: 500 Hz - Low tone: 300 Hz - Sound level: 118 dB(A) - Voltage: 12Volts. ECE-R28 approved.
  • Application: UNIVERSAL; Kit includes 1 high-tone Supertone horn, 1 low-tone Supertone horn, 1 12V relay, 2 mounting brackets, and mounting instructions.

  • The HELLA super tone twin disc horn kit combines legendary appearance, performance and safety. These ultra-reliable 12 volt disc horns look and sound like nothing else on the road. In the HELLA tradition, the super tone kit allows flexible mounting options and easy installation. HELLA acoustic warning systems in the hustle and bustle of traffic, safety is paramount. You will surely notice that our horns, use the most modern acoustic technology. HELLA offers a broad selection of horns which are all characterized by their strong, penetrating and concentrated sound. HELLA horns are constructed with durability in mind. Integrating security, reliability and precision workmanship HELLA is a tradition that continues for more than 100 years ago. Horns, backup alarms and trumpets from HELLA are designed and manufactured with German precision technology. We work with the most important car manufacturers, the best in the industry, so we can be sure to get the most out of it. The HELLA quality is not only seen but heard, our experience specializing in the development of horns and trumpets, meets strict ECE requirements and original equipment applications both for light vehicles and commercial vehicles, as well as for applications off-road.

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