Healthline Trading Super Light Rollator Lightweight Aluminum Loop Brake Folding Walker Adult W/height Adjustable Seat By Legs and Arms w/6" Wheels

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  • ADJUSTABLE This super light rollator can be adjusted from standard to junior by changing the leg height
  • LIGHTWEIGHT The lightweight rollator has 6-inch caster wheels with soft grip tires for outdoor or indoor use
  • SAFETY BRAKES The loop lock brakes of this lightweight walker with seat are made of internal aluminum casting, making them easy to control; safe and convenient to use
  • COMPLETE WITH A CARRY POUCH This walker with brakes comes with a carry pouch that goes under the seat for extra safety and convenience
  • FOLDABLE AND COMPACT The walker with seat weighs 13.5 lbs and is easily foldable into a compact shape

  • This Rollator's lightweight design and folding capabilities make it an ideal model for getting in and out of the vehicle. Or when storing a rollator in a small space. It weighs just 13 ½ pounds. Adjustable arms and legs allow users to find their individual perfect fit. As this rollator accommodates individuals from 4 feet 11 inches and up. With a weight limit of up to 250 pounds. This Rollator comes standard with a comfortable padded seat and padded backrest. As well as a handy removable pouch. Ergonomically styled handles and loop brakes help provide excellent control and should be locked when sitting on the padded seat. Specifications: 13.5 pounds Shipping Weight 15.8 pounds 6" Caster wheels Weight limit 250lbs Width between handles 17" Seat height:lowest 17 ½" - highest 23 ½" Back outer width from wheel to wheel: 23" Inside back outer width from wheel to wheel: 17 ½" Lowest handle setting to floor: 36" Highest handle and legs setting to floor: 39 ½" Width of outside front legs: 20 ½" Measurement for unit with short leg setting and long arms 34" Measurement for unit with short legs and short arms 30" Padded seat is 11 ½" Wide x 12" depth
    Brand: HEALTHLINE, Color: Blue

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