Hasbro Magic The Gathering: Arena of the Planeswalkers Battle for Zendikar Expansion Pack

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  • Introduces 2 additional Planeswalkers, including the first multi-color Planeswalker, Kiora, who can field both green and blue colored creatures and spells.
  • Includes the first hero creature, the terrifying Eldrazi Ruiner. The Eldrazi are colorless creatures and can be summoned by a Planeswalker of any color.
  • Includes 1 player vs. many battlefield scenario in which players fight against the massive Eldrazi Ruiner to save Zendikar.
  • Includes 2 Planeswalker figures, 3 hero figures, 11 squad figures, 15 spell cards, 9 army cards, Battle for Zendikar Board Game Expansion Pack Guide. (Does not include cards from the trading card game.)

  • Introducing the first expansion pack for the Magic: The Gathering Arena of the Planeswalkers tactical board game. The Battle for Zendikar board game expansion features 2 additional powerful Planeswalkers: Kiora and Ob Nixilis. The board game expansion also introduces additional creatures, spell cards, and the first-ever hero creature: the massive, world-eating Eldrazi Ruiner. It includes a special battlefield scenario for epic showdowns in which players can team up against the single player controlling the Eldrazi Ruiner. (Requires the Magic: The Gathering Arena of the Planeswalkers tactical board game.) Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering, Magic, Battle for Zendikar, their respective logos, the Planeswalker symbol, Zendikar, and all character names and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the USA and other countries. Hasbro and all related terms are trademarks of Hasbro.
    Brand: Hasbro, Model: B6925

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