Explore the Furby Connect World app and discover surprises together
The Furby Connect friend gets updates with the app and learns new phrases
This Furby friend expresses with more than 150 colorful eye animations
Make Furby sleep just by putting the included sleep mask on
Includes 1 Furby Connect friend, sleep mask, and instructions
NOTE: Refer the Instructional Video from the image section before use which is highly essential.
Requires 4 AA alkaline batteries (not included)
Get ready to discover a world of surprises with this Furby Connect friend and the Furby Connect World app (see app details below). This Furby Connect friend has a light-up antenna that glows when there's something new to discover in the app -- including music and videos! This Furby Connect friend has lots to say! Even when Furby speaks in Furbish, it's not hard to figure out what Furby means. This Furby Connect friend has colorful eyes that display more than 150 animations to help express what Furby wants. Interact with a Furby Connect friend by petting, tickling, or shaking Furby, turning Furby upside down, or even moving its antenna like a joystick -- then see how Furby reacts! When this Furby Connect friend syncs with the Furby Connect World app, there are more physical and digital ways to interact and more surprises to discover. Does Furby need some beauty sleep This Furby Connect friend comes with a sleep mask. Just put the sleep mask on, and it's good night Furby! To wake Furby up, remove the sleep mask -- Furby will be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for more fun! Get the Furby Connect World app to explore a world of surprises with a Furby Connect friend. Watch videos together, feed Furby with the app, and raise virtual Furblings in the app. The Furby Connect friend gets updates and new content by connecting to the app! Furby and all related properties are trademarks of Hasbro. Brand: Hasbro, Model: B6084, Color: Teal
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