Uses 3D computer animation in conjunction with the iPhone/iPod Touch cutting technology to create a toy that reacts to a child's life moments
Over 150 different expressions to keep kids engaged and learning
Tell jokes, share fun facts, tell stories, sing songs, teach educational tidbits
Dreami Kitty also loves to laugh, wink, make faces and of course she eats and sleeps
Full of games and activities for engaging play
A classic soft toy with a new technology twist that will give your little one a snuggly buddy full of interactive fun.2 Play modes:Toddler Mode - Hides the navigation so toddlers cruise carefree from 1 activity to the nextManual Mode - Let's kids choose between the 7 games and activitiesThe cover features a lock for the home button to ensure kids stay within the appIncludes booster insert for thinner iPod Touch device to create a more secure and snug fitAge: 18 monthsCompatible with iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and 3rd & 4th generation iPod Touch. iPhone and iPod Touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the US and other countries Brand: Infantino, Color: Grey
Custom Tab 01
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