Hansgrohe 28631000 Unica S Wallbar, 36-Inch, Chrome

SKU: EZFB0016H4750
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  • Angle-adjustable holder pivots left and right, slides easily and locks in place
  • Includes 63-Inch Techniflex hose
  • Unica S 36-Inch Wallbar
  • Does not include handshower
  • Chrome finish

  • Hansgrohe Unica S Wallbar, 36-Inch in Chrome 28631000. Hansgrohe has always had a sharp eye for innovation, designing products with exceptional durability that are not only highly functional but also a source of pleasure. For us, this means constantly advancing and striving for improvements. Our showers and faucets offer many useful functions and details that make daily use as easy and comfortable as possible so that you can enjoy your Hansgrohe products for many years to come. A fixed showerhead may not provide the same benefit for one user as it does for another. It is for this reason that Hansgrohe invented the wallbar in 1953. Wallbars, fitted with an angle adjustable handshower holder, allow you to easily adjust the removable handshower to your individual height by simply sliding the holder up or down the wallbar addressing multi user needs and thereby enhancing your showering experience. Europeans have embraced the advantages of a handshower over a fixed showerhead for years. The benefits of a handshower are clear, and include targeting specific areas, the ability to wash pets or children with ease and cleaning the shower easily. A handshower also delivers a more invigorating shower, through the increased warmth and intensity that results from bringing the spray closer to your body. This set includes the Unica S 36-Inch wallbar and hose, only. No handshower is included in this set. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this product and/or it's functionality, please contact Hansgrohe's Customer Service department at 1-800-334-0455.
    Brand: Hansgrohe, Model: 28631000, Color: Chrome, Size: 36 Inch

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