Hammocks Rada Handmade Yucatan Hammock Matrimonial Size Natural Color

Hammocks Rada
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  • IT'S ALL IN THE FAMILY: Since 1974, this family-based business has proudly combined their own threads in Yucatan, Mexico with Ancient Mayan weaving techniques.
  • HANG TEN AND THEN SOME: At 13 feet long (fits stands 12.5 ft. - 13 ft.), there's plenty of room on these handmade hammocks for lounging the day away.
  • MAYAN MADE YUCATAN HAMMOCK: The best of both worlds, we perfect the materials and then have them sent over to be traditionally woven in Central America.
  • PARTY OF TWO IS A GIVEN: Because you can hold up to 550 ft. and still expect a comfortable sway that'll stay for as long as you care to, so you can enjoy it together.
  • 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: If for any reason you're not sold on our Yucatan Hammocks, please contact us for your money back.

  • Hammocks Rada has one mission in mind, and that is to provide you with quality handmade hammocks you can count on to both comfort you and last for a long time.

    Hammocks Rada Handmade Yucatan Hammock Turn an ordinary day into an extraordinary exercise in relaxation with a 70% cotton (all in the center for maximum comfort) and 30% nylon base that's both lightweight and durable. Compatible with almost any 12.5 ft. - 13 ft. stand and with a weight of under three pounds, it's deceptively strong and was made to support your body so well that you'll instantly be at ease.

    Perfected Over Centuries Mayan artisans proudly provide these handmade hammocks, woven with Yucatan, Mexico-made threads in a Matrimonial size, meaning it's woven with 2,000 yards of cotton and nylon strings in the appropriate sections. It's an interlaced technique that adds stability and durability that was locally mastered and now has been made available around the globe.

    The Whole Package Lightweight at 2.7 lbs, this travel-friendly handmade hammock comes with reinforced mounting loops ready for any mounting loops you select, easily findable and inexpensive at your local hardware store, so you can rest easy!

    100% Satisfaction Guarantee If for any reason this Yucatan Hammock fails to hold itself up to your standards, please contact us for your money back.
    Brand: Hammocks Rada, Model: Matrimonial size natural color., Color: NATURAL

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