Hamilton CapTel 840i Real-Time Closed Captioned Telephone

Hamilton CapTel
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  • Designed specifically for individuals with difficulty hearing over the phone. REQUIRES Telephone Service and High Speed Internet Connection (Ethernet or WiFi).
  • Captioned Telephone is easy to use. It works the same way you'd use any other telephone. If you can't hear what someone says over the phone, simply read the captions.
  • Captioned Telephone works with a no charge captioning service where specially trained operators use advanced voice recognition technology to generate captions of everything the other person says. There are no monthly fees or service agreements and your monthly phone bill won't change
  • Installing the captioned telephone is easy and installation support is available. Captions are available in English or Spanish.
  • Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service (IP CTS) is regulated and funded by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and is designed exclusively for individuals with hearing loss.

  • Hamilton CapTel makes it possible to listen while reading word-for-word captions of everything said to a user on the phone - similar to captions on television. You dial the other person's number, exactly the same way as with any other telephone. As you dial, the phone automatically connects to a no charge captioning service. When the other party answers, you can listen to everything they say...just like a traditional call. Through the captioning service, captions are generated through voice recognition technology, provided by a live Communications Assistant, and appear directly on the large, built-in screen of the phone. The service is available nationwide, 24/7. The Hamilton CapTel 840i phone also offers a number of other valuable features, such as adjustable volume amplification, the ability to save captions for review later and answering machine functionality (those messages are also captioned with just the touch of a button). The keypad has large, easy-to-use buttons, and you can call out in the same fashion you always have. Your callers do not need any special equipment or a captioned phone in order to call you. It's simple for them, simple for you -- and how wonderful to end the frustration, the need for your callers to repeat what they said, and the urging from you to "Speak louder". Hamilton is a registered trademark of Nedelco, Inc. d/b/a Hamilton Telecommunications. CapTel is a registered trademark of Ultratec, Inc
    Brand: Hamilton CapTel, Model: LHS-775/002503

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