HABA Unicorn Glitterluck Cloud Crystals - A Sparkling Die Competition Age 3 and Up (Made in Germany)

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  • It's never too early to challenge your child to a round of board game play. Who knows, they just may beat you!
  • In Unicorns in the Clouds, players become one of the magical unicorns in the game and race from the thundercloud to the sun, trying to collect as many cloud crystals as possible along the way.
  • Start by choosing a colored unicorn and placing your piece on the big blue rain cloud. The player who reaches the sun cloud with the most cloud crystals is the winner.
  • Includes: game board, pink unicorn Glitterluck, yellow unicorn Stardust, purple unicorn Marvel Flower, turquoise unicorn Magic Swirl, 60 cloud crystals, pink die , blue die, game instructions.
  • A sparkling die competition for 2-4 players ages 3-99. Game duration: About 10 minutes. Made in Germany.

  • In a land, far, far away lived four unicorns who were the best of friends. They enjoyed galloping across the soft, billowing clouds, sliding down rainbows and playing with cloud crystals. One day, they noticed a terrible thunderstorm approaching. They thought it would be best to head directly for the sun, and collect as many cloud crystals as possible along the way to keep them safe from the storm. Players start by choosing a colored unicorn and placing their piece on the big blue rain cloud. The player who reaches the sun cloud with the most cloud crystals is the winner. A sparkling die competition for 2-4 players ages 3-99.
    Brand: HABA, Model: 301256

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