H.P.P. 23.5''H NEW Glass Light house Touch Table Lamp w/ Dark Chrome Finish Base

High performance parts
Out Of Stock


  • This touch lamp is 23.5 inches tall.
  • The lamp has 3 power settings controlled by the sensor.
  • The panels are made of glass.
  • Dark Chrome Finish
  • OK-632-BN8

  • These glass panels will always look great! The touch sensor gives you 3 light level settings with only a touch to any metal part of the lamp. The dark chrome finish looks great with only minimal care. (Care instructions with lamp.) Changing your light level is as easy as 1-2-3. One touch on the metal gives you the lowest light level, a second touch gives you medium light and a third touch sets you lamp to its highest level of light. A final touch turns your lamp off. All of this is done with one regular light bulb, up to a maximum of 60 watts. (Any color, or shape, frosted or clear, pointy or round light bulb will work. It's the size of the base of the bulb that you need to match. Fluorescent light bulbs will not work in a touch lamp, as they are not dimmable.)
    Brand: High performance parts, Color: multi colored

    Custom Tab 01

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