GUND Pusheen Surprise Series #3 Places Cats Sit Stuffed Animal Plush, 2.75"

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  • Surprise Plush Series #3: Places Cats Sit blind box format includes one of eight randomized 2.75" collectible cat and seat combos
  • Features seven cat breeds and 8 different mix and match seats for over 60 total combinations
  • Available in: shopping bag, shipping box, cat bed, cooking bowl, book, piano, beach towel, and a mystery style
  • Customize your favorites with touch-and-close fasteners on each cat and "seat"
  • Please note: Returns accepted only for items with sealed Mylar bag intact

  • GUND is proud to present Surprise Plush, our very first series of plush blind boxes. Pusheen Surprise Plush Series #3: Places Cats Sit features seven different cat breeds along with eight accessories modeled after the silly places kitties love to sit. Each box includes a sealed Mylar bag containing a randomized 2.75" plush in one of eight formats: shopping bag, shipping box, cat bed, cooking bowl, book, piano, beach towel, and a mystery style! All plush cats and “seats” features touch-and-close fasteners so you can mix and match for over 60 possible combinations — perfect for customizing your favorite combinations or trading with fellow fans! The cats sport a metal ball keychain attachment for easy portability and display. Be sure to collect them all! Surface-washable for easy cleaning. Appropriate for ages 8. GUND: For more than 100 years, GUND has been a premier plush company recognized worldwide for quality innovative products. Building upon our award-winning and beloved plush designs, we continue to practice innovation by constantly developing new original and licensed designs to appeal to the next generation of customers. To that end, each one of our plush toys is constructed from premium materials for unparalleled softness and huggability. Please Note: Due to the collectible nature of this product, we can only accept returns for items with the sealed Mylar bag intact.
    Brand: GUND, Model: 4059266, Color: Multi-colored, Size: Size

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