Guinea Habitat Guinea Pig Cage by MidWest, 47L x 24W x 14H Inches

MidWest Homes for Pets
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  • Provides 8 square feet of living area for Guinea Pigs as recommended by Veterinarians and Breeders
  • Durable, leak proof, washable and easily removable PVC lined canvas bottom allows for easy care and maintenance while providing traction and protection for Guinea Pig's sensitive feet. No divider panel included.
  • 14" high sides provide for secure and convenient access to Guinea Pigs. Great for indoor or outdoor use.
  • Sets up in minutes, no tools required for assembly.
  • Ideal for first time Guinea Pig owners and "cavy" enthusiasts as well. Includes 1 Year Manufacturer's Warranty.

  • The Guinea Habitat by MidWest Homes for Pets is an interactive and expandable habitat / cage for your Guinea Pig. Each Guinea Pig Habitat includes a leak-proof, durable PVC lined canvas bottom that is hand-washable. The 'Bigger is Better' interactive and expandable habitat is designed with Guinea Pigs and their owners in mind and provides 8 sqft of living area for your pet ensuring they have enough room to play and exercise. Each Guinea Pig Habitat also comes with a divider panel to separate your pets playing / living area from their litter box and to assist in the proper hygiene of your pet. This Guinea Pig habitat / cage sets up in a matter of minutes with no tools required. Since Guinea Pigs are social creatures MidWest Homes for Pets suggests at least having two per habitat. The Guinea Pig Habitat can suit up to 3 Guinea Pigs and provides the right amount of living space recommended by Veterinarian's and Breeders. MidWest Homes for Pets stands behind the quality of our products with a 1-Year Manufacturer's Warranty. If you have any questions about the Guinea Pig Habitat our customer service department would be glad to help you. MidWest customer service can be contacted at: 1-800-428-8560, available 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday – Friday.
    Brand: MidWest Homes for Pets, Model: B001NJ0DPY, Color: White/ Teal, Size: 47"L x 24"W x 14"H

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