Green Toys Dumper Construction Truck - Blue/Yellow Toy, Blue and Yellow, 5.75x7.5x5.5

Green Toys
In Stock


Brand Green Toys
Model CDPB-1262
Color Blue and Yellow
Size 5.75x7.5x5.5

  • Made in the USA from 100% recycled plastic
  • Safe and durable for indoor and outdoor play
  • Dishwasher safe for easy cleaning

  • Scoop it! mix it! dump it! just another earth-moving, earth-saving day at the job site for the Green Toys construction trucks, made in the USA from 100% recycled plastic milk jugs that save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emission. chunky, sturdy, and durable, the fleet features a front loader with a moveable scooper, cement mixer with a revolving drum, and a dump truck with a classic open-box bed. Perfect in a sand box, toy box, or gift box, these pint-sized trucks are just right for little hands, and can easily be tossed in a diaper bag for on-the-go fun.

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