GPX PC301B Portable CD Player with Stereo Earbuds and Anti-Skip Protection (PC301B)

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  • Portable personal CD player with 60 second anti-skip protection
  • 1 pair of stereo ear buds included
  • Stereo headphone jack with rotary volume control
  • LCD display with low power indicator
  • Runs on 2 AA batteries or external power adaptor (both sold separately)

  • GPX's PC301B Portable CD Player offers all the standard playback features you would expect, including play, pause, skip forward/back, program, mode and stop. The LCD display shows you which track number is playing, so you can easily skip songs if desired. With rotary volume control and a stereo headphone jack, the PC301B is perfect for taking to the beach, study hall, home or work. The 60 second anti-skip protection keeps your music in memory providing shock-resistant, uninterrupted music playback, so you don't need to worry about walking around with your CD player. A low battery indicator shows you when the 2 AA batteries (sold separately) need to be changed, making sure your music listening is not interrupted. It can also run on external power adaptor (sold separately). So you can get started listening right away, one set of stereo earbuds are included in the package with the CD player. For more than 30 years, GPX has offered one of the broadest portfolios of technology-driven consumer audio and video products. An award-winning consumer electronics company, GPX has built a solid reputation on excellent product quality, reliability, design, and affordability.
    Brand: GPX, Model: PC301B, Color: Black, Size: accessory

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