Good Grips Weighted Utensils (Set of 5)

North Coast Medical
Out Of Stock


  • Large, soft, easy to hold handle provides secure grip
  • Twistable shaft allows fork to be turned to any angle for those with limited wrist movement
  • Dishwasher safe

  • Good Grips Weighted Utensils (Set of 5)Extra weight helps minimize tremors while eating.The 6 oz. (170g) of added weight in the built-up handle provides more control so that the utensil reaches the mouth easier. Ideal for persons with limited hand control, Parkinson' s disease or spasticity. All weighted utensils provide the same benefits as the standard Good Grips Cutlery. Sample Kit includes one each of the five utensils. This is an hygiene product and cannot be returned. Product photo may not exactly match the product offered for sale. Please refer to the product description.
    Brand: North Coast Medical

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