GMI GuardMaster III Tall Super Wide Swing Gate

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  • Exclusive easy remove/quick release feature- gate can be completely removed when not in use
  • Certified top of stairs "TOS"
  • Made of American hardwood
  • JPMA certified
  • Made in the USA
  • Ships in Certified Frustration-Free Packaging

  • Made in the USA. JPMA certified. The 490 tall/ super wide wood slat walk-thru gate is top and bottom of stairs certified. It is made of American hardwood (poplar) and is unfinished to prevent allergic reactions in children and pets. It is "ready to finished" by the consumer using only children and pet approved finishes. The top and bottom frame rails are "beefy" to ensure strength and security. The wood stat design discourages "climbers". This gate is assembled using solid steel rivets and washers throughout to provide extra strength and prevent failures typical in gates assembled with screws. The gate easily mounts to opening using included hardware with simple hand tools. It features our soft touch latch for easy securing and a quick release mechanism so the gate can be completely removed when not needed. It is 31-1/2-inch tall, so it is ideal for older children and larger pets. Recommended for use in openings of 43-inch to 68-1/2-inch so it is perfect for open floor plan homes. 32-inch(h).
    Brand: GMI, Model: 1349010, Color: Beige, Size: Tall

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