For use with Gladiator models GAJG36GRDG and GALG36KDYG
Lifetime Limited Warranty
90 lbs. Weight capacity
Easy to install and can be mounted inside a cabinet above or below a shelf
Hardware included for mounting
Adds versatility to your storage options
Holds up to 90 lbs., install up to 2 rods per garage cabinet
Friction-catch drawers creates friction as doors are being opened - this eliminates the possibility of drawers rolling open when the unit is moved
The rolled till edges reinforce the construction of the chest, by increasing the durability and strength to the lid and also provide a comfortable surface for interaction with the chest
The GearRod Accessory adds hanging storage to your Gladiator Jumbo GearBox to provide more options for customizing your space. Holding up to 90 lbs, the GearRod is ideal for bulky jackets, motorcycle gear, ski wear, camping equipment and other seasonal items. You can choose to attach the GearRod inside the top of the cabinet or below a shelf and install up to two hanging rods per GearBox. Brand: Gladiator, Model: GAAC36GRDSS, Size: 36"
Custom Tab 01
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