Gino Development 02-0444 TruePower Punch & Die Set (9 Piece)

Gino Development
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  • Clear plate guide for easy alignment
  • Made from precision ground Hardened alloy steel
  • Capacities: 20 gauge steel sheet 13 gauge aluminum & brass/ includes blow molded storage case

  • Clear plate guide for easy alignment. Made from precision ground hardened alloy steel. Accurate to within 0.002". Includes nine punches: 1/8", 3/16", 1/4", 5/16", 3/8", 7/16", 1/2", 5/8" & 3/4". Capacities: 20 Gauge Steel Sheet, 13 Gauge Aluminum & Brass. Includes blow molded storage case. INITIAL ADJUSTMENT If you find the punches have a tight fit, are difficult to insert through the clear plate guide and cannot be moved by firm hand pressure, turn over the punch & die set and lightly tap each punch through the appropriate die from the tool steel plate toward the clear top. Always insert punches with the cutting edge first. The hammerhead should always squarely strike the punches on top of the beveled end. NEVER strike the cutting edge end of the punch with a hammer. Repeat this procedure several times until the fit becomes workable. Insertion of the punches will become easier after continued use. TO PUNCH A HOLE 1. Position the material to be punched between the tool steel base and the clear plate guide. 2. Before striking the punch, make sure the punch has been pushed through the clear plate guide and the cutting edge of the punch is touching the material. 3 Strike the beveled end of the punch squarely with the hammer face. Use enough force to penetrate the material with one blow. Striking the punch at an angle can damage the clear plate guide. 4. To remove the punch from the die, tap the punch completely through the bottom of the set with a hammer.
    Brand: Gino Development, Model: 02-0444, Size: 1-(9 Piece)

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