Gerber Graduates Fun Grips Hard Spout Sippy Cup in Assorted Colors, 10-Ounce, 2 cups

Gerber Graduates
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  • NOTE: This is an assorted product; color and print advertised are subjected to vary.
  • Bite resistant spout helps toddler drink independently
  • Seal Zone Technology - 100% leak-proof, spill-proof, break-proof, guaranteed
  • Personalization area for child's name
  • Hourglass shape prevents tipping;Dishwasher-safe, BPA-free; Comes in a pack of (2)

  • The Gerber Graduates Fun Grips Hard Spout Cup continues your baby's path toward independent drinking. Its bite-resistant spout is designed to help your toddler drink independently. The cup features Seal Zone technology, a unique closing system that ensures its 100% leak-proof, spill-proof, and break-proof, guaranteed. The hourglass shape also prevents tipping. Plus, you never have to worry about cup mix-ups with the personalization area for your little one's name! Easy to clean and dishwasher safe, this cup is BPA-free, made in the USA and designed for children 12-months and older. The cup comes in a pack of (2) with assorted colors. All Gerber Graduates cups help support healthy motor skill development to foster happy, healthy kids every sip of the way! The NUK family of brands designs safe and fun products that encourage your baby's development. NUK is committed to nurturing your children's healthy transitions from birth to toddler and has worked for over 50 years to design high quality, innovative products that are scientifically proven to support safe and healthy development. Visit for all your baby and toddler needs.
    Brand: Gerber Graduates, Model: 78878, Color: Assorted Colors, Size: 10 Ounce

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