Geomag 142-Piece Construction Set with Assorted Pink Panels – Mentally Stimulating for Children and Adults – Safe and Construction – For Ages 3 and Up

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  • MAGNETIC ENGINEERING - This playset contains 36 silver magnetic rods and 28 non-magnetic steel balls that let you connect and build whatever awesome creations you want. Make an architecturally sound bridge, a breathtaking heart, or a frame to show off the included cute dog panels. The choice is up to you!
  • DISPLAY PANELS - With our new assorted pink panels, you can take your creations from scaffolding to a colorful reality! Including 76 pink, magenta, and white geometric pieces of various sizes and shapes, magnetic construction just got way more in-depth! Comes with 2 adorable dog panels!
  • EDUCATIONAL AND STIMULATING - Geomag's award winning line of products help children of all ages develop imagination and curiosity through the science of magnetic construction. Each year, Geomag introduces new and innovative STEM toys that entertain, delight, and stimulate young and growing mental faculties.
  • ASSURING SAFE PLAY - Geomagworld SA manufacturing complies with the most rigorous European and international safety standards. At our facility in Novazzano, Switzerland we follow each production phase step by step to ensure that our products adhere to the highest safety standards.
  • SPECIFICATIONS - Package includes (36) silver magnetic rods, (28) non-magnetic steel balls, (15) pink diamond panels, (16) magenta square panels, (22) white triangle panels, (22) small pink triangle panels, (1) large magenta square panel, and (2) dog themed panels. Warning: CONTAINS SMALL PARTS. Not suitable for children under the age of 3. Recommended for children ages 5 and up. Warning: CONTAINS STRONG MAGNETS. Keep away from sensitive devices such as credit cards, computers, magnetic media and medical devices like pacemakers.

  • Geomagworld SA has fostered simultaneous learning and creativity since 2008. All Geomag products are designed, developed, and produced in Switzerland and follow the highest European and American safety and quality standards. At Geomag, our top priority is designing toys that amuse and stimulate children's sense of fantasy, curiosity, and creativity. We believe that helping young minds hone their abstract problem solving and complex reasoning skills is crucial for their transition into functioning adults, and all of our products reflect that mentality. Our 142-Piece Construction Set with Assorted Pink Panels contains all the magnetic pieces and panels you need to create structurally sound and aesthetically marvelous creations. Whether it's form, function, or a little bit of both, your ultimate pink vision is up to you and your imagination! Warning: CONTAINS SMALL PARTS. Not suitable for children under the age of 3. Recommended for children ages 5 and up. Warning: CONTAINS STRONG MAGNETS. Keep away from sensitive devices such as credit cards, computers, magnetic media and medical devices like pacemakers.
    Brand: Geomag, Model: 343

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