Gentle Detox Tea. Reduce Bloating Constipation and Weight Loss Tea. 25 Day Supply. Foil Wrapped for Freshness. Doctor Recommended Colon Cleanse Tea. 10 Natural Herbs. 100% Happy Dieter Tea Guarantee

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  • #1 DOCTOR RECOMMENDED BEST DETOX TEA - with 1200 US Doctors recommending for Weight Loss, Digestive Aid and or Colon Cleanse Support.
  • ANTI-INFLAMMATORY BLEND - our Colon Cleanse Tea Relieves Constipation, Improves Immunity, Detoxifies & Soothes the Digestive Tract
  • BEST WEIGHT LOSS TEA GENTLE TEA DETOX - 100% NATURAL - No Artificial flavors, colors or preservatives Gluten Free Kosher Certified
  • KEYWORDS: detox tea, tea detox, weight loss tea, holiday gift, ulcer treatment
  • DELICIOUS TASTE - Cinnamon, Senna, Gynostemma, Chamomile, Hibiscus, Natural Flavors, Papaya, Echinacia, Ginger, Peppermint, Rosehips.


    keywords= detox tea, tea detox, weight loss tea, holiday gift, christmas gift

    Doctors have recommended our Weight Loss Tea for over 10 years. Why Gentle Detox Tea does get the Junk out of the Trunk, but Reviewers also say it TASTES GREAT and is GENTLE on your system.

    ECHINACEA - stimulates the immune system to counter both bacterial and viral infections. Contains anti-inflammatory components

    GYNOSTEMMA - acts as a scavenger in the stomach and intestines to eliminate waste and toxins from the body. Helps accelerate metabolism by adjusting blood sugar and reducing blood fat

    PAPAYA - Contains papain and enzyme chemically related to "pepsin" which helps digest protein in the body and acts as an anti-inflammatory

    PEPPERMINT - Soothes and comforts the stomach, promoting healthy digestion. Helps with the treatment of ulcer conditions of the bowel and intestine

    CINNAMON - Used to combat microorganisms, diarrhea and other GI disorders, and has anti-oxidant properties

    HIBISCUS - Used to treat constipation and inflammation

    GINGER - Relieves indigestion, gas pains, irritation to the intestinal walls, diarrhea, and stomach cramping for the best body cleanse effect.

    ROSE HIPS - Beneficial for constipation, infections and bladder problems. Excellent nutritional supplement and helps prevent cold

    CHAMOMILE - Contains anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the digestive tract and help relieve pain, indigestion, acidity, gas, gastritis, bloating, colic, ulcers and other inflammatory conditions of the digestive system

    SENNA - relieves constipation, increases peristalsis & soften stools for a gentle colon cleanse effect.

    Brand: Total Tea

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