General Tools 452-10Outside Calipers, 10 Inch Jaw Capacity

General Tools
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  • General Tools outside calipers is a useful measurement transfer tool when working with round stock or oddly shaped materials and then transferring that measurement to a ruler
  • The forged steel legs on this caliper feature hardened points for precise marking of the work piece; An adjusting screw has a self-seating washer and nut to permit quick and positive adjustment
  • Hardened and tempered bow springs and fulcrum spools assure uniform tension without side play while using this outside caliper
  • General Tools calipers have hardened measurement faces and meets government specifications GGG-C-95; This outside caliper has 10 inch legs and a 10 inch jaw capacity
  • General Tools outside calipers are frequently used in conjunction with General Tools precision rulers for the most accurate measurement transfer

  • General Tools outside calipers is a useful measurement transfer tool when working with round stock or oddly shaped materials and then transferring that measurement to a ruler. The forged steel legs on this caliper feature hardened points for precise marking of the work piece; An adjusting screw has a self-seating washer and nut to permit quick and positive adjustment. Hardened and tempered bow springs and fulcrum spools assure uniform tension without side play while using this outside caliper. General Tools calipers have hardened measurement faces and meets government specifications GGG-C-95; This outside caliper has 10 inch legs and a 10 inch jaw capacity. General Tools outside calipers are frequently used in conjunction with General Tools precision rulers for the most accurate measurement transfer.

    GENERAL TOOLS - THE PRECISE TOOL FOR DOING THE JOB EXACTLY RIGHT. Offering over 1,000 tools, we're proud to provide tradesmen, craftsmen and DIYers around the world with a broad range of affordable, specific-purpose mechanical hand tools and precision measuring and inspection tools.

    For inquiries, please contact our Customer Service Department at 212-431-6100. We strive to provide our customers with 100% satisfaction.


    Brand: General Tools, Model: 452-10, Size: 10"

    Custom Tab 01

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