General Tools 133 E-Z Ratcheting Tubing Cutter

General Tools
SKU: EZFB0002H49F8
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  • The EZ Ratchet Tubing Cutter allows you the ability to make close-quarter cuts without sacrificing the comfort or leverage you enjoy from a standard-size tubing cutter; The ratcheting action rotates the cutter around the tube allowing a standard size cutter to be used in tight and cramped spaces
  • Using an innovative, 36" degree ratcheting mechanism, the EZ Cutter rotates around the pipe for smooth, clean cuts; A longer handle also requires less effort to rotate the cutter reducing hand fatigue
  • The EZ tubing cutteris great for cutting conduit that has been placed near a wall or other piping that would not allow the full rotation of a standard cutter; Cuts copper, aluminum, brass, thin wall tubing and stainless steel
  • This cutter includes an extra tempered cutting wheel stored on the handle; A replacement cutting wheel is available through General Tools Model # RW121/2
  • The wide hardened flared grooved rollers allow true cuts close to flared end tubing to avoid tube replacement in existing installations; Cuttingapacity is 5/16 inch to 1-1/8 inch

  • The EZ Ratchet Tubing Cutter allows you the ability to make close-quarter cuts without sacrificing the comfort or leverage you enjoy from a standard-size tubing cutter; The ratcheting action rotates the cutter around the tube allowing a standard size cutter to be used in tight and cramped spaces.  Using an innovative, 36" degree ratcheting mechanism, the EZ Cutter rotates around the pipe for smooth, clean cuts; A longer handle also requires less effort to rotate the cutter reducing hand fatigue. The EZ tubing cutter is great for cutting conduit that has been placed near a wall or other piping that would not allow the full rotation of a standard cutter; Cuts copper, aluminum, brass, thin wall tubing and stainless steel. This cutter includes an extra tempered cutting wheel stored on the handle; A replacement cutting wheel is available through General Tools Model # RW121/2. The wide hardened flared grooved rollers allow true cuts close to flared end tubing to avoid tube replacement in existing installations; Cuttingapacity is 5/16 inch to 1-1/8 inch.

    GENERAL TOOLS - THE PRECISE TOOL FOR DOING THE JOB EXACTLY RIGHT. Offering over 1,000 tools, we're proud to provide tradesmen, craftsmen and DIYers around the world with a broad range of affordable, specific-purpose mechanical hand tools and precision measuring and inspection tools.

    For inquiries, please contact our Customer Service Department at 212-431-6100. We strive to provide our customers with 100% satisfaction.


    Brand: General Tools, Model: 133G

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