Gelmax Super-Absorbent Pad, 25 Count - Premium Quality Absorbent Pads for Bedside Commode Liners

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  • Premium Quality - Turn water-based & body fluids into a gel within seconds!
  • Unsurpassed Performance - A single pad converts up to 16oz of body fluids into a gel. No more mess!
  • Universal Application - Ideal for home use, laboratories or hospitals
  • Better Together - Combine it with absorbent bags/liners such as Carebag for increased absorption
  • Eliminate Odor - Upon properly sealing the liner unpleasant odors are trapped and suppressed!
  • CAUTION: Do not use/dispose in toilet as it may clog it

  • The Gelmax Super Absorbent Pad is the safest and most efficient method for the collection and disposal of organic fluids (urine, vomit, blood and any other water-based fluids). The super absorbent pad is a single use item made of a unique super absorbent polymer that absorbs and turns into gel up to 16 oz. (500cc) of water-based liquids. It is often used in association with caregiver products such as the Carebag Commode liners, Carebag Vomit bags, Carebag Men's Urinal Bag, Carebag Toilet Bowl Liner, Carebag Bedpan Liner and any other absorbent bags and liners. The Gelmax Super Absorbent Pad can also be used in laboratories or hospitals to absorb urine, liquid stools, emesis, urine, serous fluids, water-based chemicals, etc.

    Thank you for helping others One of Cleanis' many missions is to empower people with physical, developmental, intellectual and mental health challenges to enjoy lives of dignity and purpose. The product you are currently considering has been processed at the Association for Individual Development (AID), a vocational facility in Aurora, Illinois by individuals with disabilities. The goal is to provide a safe and nurturing environment so that each participant can learn and obtain new skills at their own pace. We would like to thank you in advance for helping individuals with disabilities grow and improve their level of confidence and personal satisfaction for a paid job well done. Disposed of with household waste (like nappies) and, in case of infection, in hazardous waste

    Brand: Cleanis, Model: 9582104, Size: 25 Pack

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