Gator Cases 6-Inch Double layered, split level -pop filter

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  • Nylon 6-inch screen pop filter
  • 11.5-inch Goose neck and clamp included
  • C-clamp will fit most standard microphone stand shafts and booms
  • 6" Double layered, split level "pop" filter

  • The Gator Cases GM-POP FILTER microphone pop filter is an essential tool for any professional recording studio or home recording studio. The Gator Cases microphone pop filter eliminates strong plosives that can harm a great vocal recording by singers, online radio or talk show hosts, or narrators. The Gator Cases microphone pop filter features a c-clamp that attaches to most microphone stand or desk mount mic stand for recording vocals and dialogue. The durable 11.5” flexible goose-neck allows for complete adjustment to position the pop-filter into place. The double screened, Gator Cases pop filter is a great addition to any professional or home-based recording studio. Gator Cases is known for manufacturing innovative products designed to protect! We offer a wide range of products with a variety of available sizes, materials, and protection levels, for all types of instruments and gear including Frameworks stands, Rackworks install racks and accessories, and Protechtor drum cases. It isn't hard to find a great reason why Gator should be the brand you trust to protect your equipment for life!
    Brand: Gator, Model: GM-POP FILTER, Color: Black

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