Gary Fong AMBDOM AmberDome for LSU and LS2 (Amber)

Gary Fong
Regular Price $17.44 Sale Price Unit price: $0.00

Quick Overview

Does a great job of balancing and /or warming your light in the following situations:Outdoors at dusk or early morning . Outdoors in Open Shade (set camera to auto-white balance)The Amber Dome lid is for the LightSphere CLOUD and the Universal Cloud and it does a great job of balancing...
  • Does a great job of balancing and /or warming your light in the following situations:
  • Outdoors at dusk or early morning . Outdoors in Open Shade (set camera to auto-white balance)

  • The Amber Dome lid is for the LightSphere CLOUD and the Universal Cloud and it does a great job of balancing and /or warming your light in the following sitiations: Outdoors at dusk or early morning. Outsoors in Open Shade (set camera to auto-white blbance).Interiors with tungsten lighting (set camera WB to "tungsten setting). Shooting sunsets with the sun at your subject's back.
    Brand: Gary Fong, Model: GF-AMBDOM, Color: Amber

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