CALCIUM MAGNESIUM: The Vitamin Code calcium magnesium formula includes 386mg of RAW Magnesium for bone health. Free from crushed rock, limestone, chalk and animal bones
PLANT-BASED: Our 756mg plant based calcium supplement is made from easily digestible organic algae and 22 RAW and organically grown fruits and vegetables, not crushed rocks
BETTER ABSORPTION: Our organic calcium supplement includes 1600IU RAW Vitamin D3for 80% increased absorption and 100mcg Vitamin K2 MK7 for proper calcium utilization and bone health
STRONGER, HEALTHIER BONES: This calcium magnesium pill reduces the risk of osteoporosis, stimulates bone growth, increases bone strength, and increases bone mineral density
VEGETARIAN VITAMIN: Our real food calcium tablet is Gluten Free and Dairy Free with No Binders or Fillers
If you are one of the millions of women and men looking to slow normal bone loss that comes with aging, Garden of Life has great news for you. Get ready to experience the Grow Bone System with RAW Calcium and Growth Factor S. The Grow Bone System is intended to stimulate bone growth, increase bone strength and bone mineral density, and has been clinically demonstrated to do so. Backed by human clinical studies, Garden of Life is confident that the Grow Bone System will help build stronger, healthier bones. Vitamin Code RAW Calcium—RAW whole food calcium blended in a base of 24 fruits and vegetables and 73 naturally occurring trace minerals. Make RAW Calcium an integral part of your daily bone health regimen including a calcium-rich diet and regular exercise. Brand: Garden of Life, Model: 82103, Size: 120 Vegeterian capsules
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