Oceans 3 is formulated using fish oils carefully purified using multiple-stage molecular distillation process that both concentrates the EPA and DHA and removes environmental toxins.
Excellent Source of DHA and other Omega-3s: 250mg of total Omega-3 fatty acids per daily serving, 120mg of DHA per daily serving, Naturally occurring vitamins A and D
Oceans Kids DHA Chewables provides a great solution for its "not so kid-friendly taste", a pleasant berry lime flavor in a softgel that can be chewed or swallowed. Added benefit -- Oceans Kids is recommended for kids age 3 and up.
If you're looking for way to get your kids to "happily" take their Omega-3s and receive all the healthy benefits of cod liver oil – then look no further. Oceans Kids DHA Chewables are a fun and convenient way to give your child all of the benefits of Omega-3s in a YUMMY BERRY LIME chewable softgel. Oceans Kids DHA Chewables are an excellent source of vital Omega-3 fatty acids with a high ratio of DHA to EPA. Brand: Garden of Life, Model: 78009, Color: Multi, Size: 120
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