Gaia Herbs Olive Leaf Liquid Phyto-Capsules, 60 Count

Gaia Herbs
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  • Supports a healthy immune response
  • Supports natural defenses
  • Supports Cardiovascular heath
  • Antioxidant properties
  • Cultivated in accordance with Nature's intent

  • Olive Leaf has the unique ability to support immune function while simultaneously offering potent antioxidant protection to the body. Gaia Herbs Olive Leaf's fresh-picked whole Olive Leaf is gently concentrated into a superior-quality extract. Each serving of Gaia Herbs Olive Leaf provides a guaranteed 50 mg of active Oleuropeins to support the body's natural defenses and neutralize free radicals. Olive is a small evergreen tree native to Mediterranean regions. The characteristic green to blue-black fruit of this tree yields a useful, edible oil. Both the oil and the dried green-grayish colored leaves are used medicinally. The olive tree has been held in high esteem throughout history. Moses reportedly decreed that men who cultivated the leaf be exempt from serving in the army. The oil is symbolic of purity and goodness, while the olive branch represents peace and prosperity. Winners in the Greek Olympic games were crowned with a wreath of olive leaves. Historically, medicinal use of olive leaf has been for treatment of fevers and for the topical treatment of wounds or infection. As a poultice, it was also used by herbalists to treat skin rashes and boils.
    Brand: Gaia Herbs, Model: 751063399401, Size: 60

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