Fulton CHA0010140 24" Trailer Hitch Safety Chain with S-Hook with Latch (5000 lbs. Capacity). 2 Piece

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  • Grade 30; 5,000 lb. capacity
  • High strength steel with a zinc finish measures 1/4 inch x 24 inches long, includes S-hook with wire safety latch on one end
  • The use of safety chains while towing is required by law in most states - be compliant, be safe
  • Whenever possible, cross chains while towing for added safety
  • All chains conform to J684.6.3.4 SAE standards

  • Safety Chain is defined as an assembly which provides a secondary means of connection between the rear of the towing vehicle and the front of the trailer (or towed vehicle); it includes link chain and all attaching means, or an alternative system. The purpose of Safety Chain is to retain connection between the towing vehicle and trailer in the event of separation of the trailer coupling from the ball or the ball from the hitch, long enough to bring the vehicles to a stop. It should not be construed that Safety Chain can ensure that vehicle control or connection will be maintained in the event of vehicle incidents such as loss of control, rollover, jackknife, collision, etc. With more than 100 years of impeccable performance, the Fulton line of trailer jacks, winches, and couplers has become the industry standard for light and medium-duty trailering. Suited for all environments, Fulton performs best when the weather is at its worst. When innovative design is combined with quality and value, the result is a brand that is the obvious choice for recreational and marine applications everywhere.
    Brand: Fulton, Model: CHA0010140

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