Frio Insulin Cooling Case, Reusable Evaporative Medication Cooler - Duo Wallet, Black

SKU: EZFB00022628A
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  • Keeps insulin, and many other temperature-sensitive medications, cool and safe. Ice packs or refrigeration never needed - just activate with water.
  • Light and compact. Perfect for camping, traveling, and emergency kits.
  • A must for emergency preparedness. Keeps medication cool and safe through prolonged power outages.
  • Reusable cases offer convenience, freedom and most importantly, peace of mind.
  • Ideal for carrying two medication pens or two 10ml vials and syringes. Inner dimensions of wallet are 3.5"x7".

  • The FRIO Cooling Case will improve the life of anyone dependent on insulin or many other temperature-sensitive medications.

    The FRIO is a reusable evaporative cooler whose cooling properties do not come from an icepack - or anything that needs refrigeration. Its cooling properties come from the evaporation of water. When activated, it keeps its temperature under 78F for a minimum of two days, even in temperatures of 100°F.

    For a FRIO to be activated, simply soak it in water for 5 - 10 minutes. It retains its cooling properties for a minimum of two full days. After that, re-soak it in water and it is good for another two days - and so on, and so on...

    While a traditional medication cooling case gives you a six to eight hour "chain" to refrigeration, FRIO cuts that chain. The FRIO offers the security of not being dependent on refrigeration for the life-critical cooling of your insulin. It gives you freedom and flexibility to enjoy life as you choose.

    Furthermore, because you do not need an icepack or the surrounding insulating materials, the FRIO wallet is lighter and smaller than traditional medication-cooling cases. There are various sizes of FRIO available - some small enough to fit in your jean pocket.

    Brand: FRIO, Model: kaka-boynam10-low672, Color: Black

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