Fresh Ideas Bedding Ruffled Bedskirt, Classic 14" drop length, Gathered Styling, Queen, White

Fresh Ideas
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Brand Fresh Ideas
Model FRE30114WHIT03
Color White
Size Queen

  • QUALITY MATERIALS - Sewn with a crisp Poplin fabric blend on a white platform material for smooth, colorfast draping. 65% Polyester/35% Cotton.
  • EXPERTLY TAILORED - Mitered corners and a sturdy platform hold bedskirt in place so it won't shift around or sag over time.
  • ELEGANT STYLING - Delightful ruffle design features gathered ruffles around 3 sides of bed for a classic, beautiful look.
  • TRADITIONAL 14" DROP LENGTH - Completely hides boxspring, bed frame and bed legs, and creates generous storage space under bed.
  • LONG-LASTING - Fabric is pre-shrunk, colorfast, and wrinkle-resistant for optimal longevity.

  • Fresh Ideas Bedding brings you elegant bedskirts at an affordable price! Fresh Ideas Ruffled Bed Skirts are made from a 65% polyester /35% combed cotton blend for beautifully smooth draping. Featuring a traditional white platform and a 14-inch drop around the bottom of the bedframe, this bedskirt creates a “finished-bed” look. Fabric is pre-shrunk and colorfast for longevity and shape retention. These ruffled bedskirts and shams are designed to coordinate with other bedding products such as comforters, duvet covers, flat sheets, fitted sheets, and pillowcases. Pair with Fresh Ideas Ruffled Pillow Sham.• Soft luxury bedding at an affordable price.• 14-inch drop to cover boxspring, bed frame and legs.• Generous ruffled styling for a classic refined look.• Elegant tailoring with easy-care fabric.• Fade-resistant and shrink-resistant.• Machine wash on cold. Tumble dry on low.

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