Safety meets sophistication with these heavy-duty grab bars that exceed ADA and ASTM standards while providing extra security in the bath
Able to support up to 500 lbs of pull force.
Made of stainless steel for a lasting strength and quality. Multiple finishes and sizes available.
Concealed mount allows you to cover any unsightly screw holes and continue a clean, sleek trend to your bath and shower
1-1/4" bar diameter allows enough space to easily grip bar for added support.
The Franklin Brass 18 Concealed Screw Grab Bar in Stainless Steel combines quality, strength and durability with a classic design to bring safety and stability to your bathroom without sacrificing style. With only two screws required per side for a secure mount, the five hole flange gives you installation flexibility for your unique grab bar mounting needs. This 1 1/4" diameter grab bar is fully ADA compliant and rated for up to 500 pounds. Accidents can occur, but be ready before they happen. Make bathroom safety a part of your home décor. We've provided a suggested product placement guide and installation videos to get you started. Being safe is easier than you think. Brand: Franklin Brass, Model: 5718, Color: Stainless Steel, Size: 1.25 x 18 Inch
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