Fram CA7351 Extra Guard Round Plastisol Air Filter

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Brand Fram
Model CA7351

  • Provides 2X the engine protection
  • A clean air filter improves air flow and prevents dirt and dust from entering the engine
  • On-pack directions and illustrations provide clear installation instructions
  • Follow recommended change intervals as noted in your vehicle owner's manual
  • 12,000 mile change intervals help prevent decreased acceleration and horsepower while helping improve overall performance

  • FRAM Extra Guard Air Filters are engineered with an advanced filter media that has been through rigorous testing and have been proven to provide 2X the engine protection than the average leading standard retail brand air filter. 12,000 miles change intervals helps prevent decreased acceleration and horsepower while helping improve overall performance. FRAM engineering laboratories defines the air filter category by providing a clear choice over other filters. Follow recommended change intervals as noted in your vehicle's owner's manual. Based on Fram Group testing of filter efficiency of models CA4309, CA8755A, CA8039, CA326 and CA6479 and their standard retail brand equivalent under ISO 5011.

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