Provides a round catch light in your subject's eyes
Reduces red eye
Perfect for the on-location shooter
The Studio PRO pop out flash disc portable speed light soft box is a unique light modifier for any speed light flash. The very small and compact disc creates a soft directional light quickly. The enclosed disc bounces the light around like a mini soft box so that you do not spill any light. Gain the full potential of your compact flash unit with this pop out flash disc. A neural gray card on the back of the disc enables you to quickly set exposure and white balance. The pop out flash disc measures 12 inches in diameter when it is opened. It compacts to a tiny 4 inch diameter in the provided case when folded. Perfect for the traveling photographer. Technical specs weight: .3 Pounds folded diameter: 5" includes carrying case no assembly required compact design and portability. Brand: Fovitec, Model: SP25-038, Color: Disc Softbox Tent
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