Four (4) Rainbow vacuum c-clip push-button lock/springs for e-series wand/tube

Colors of Rainbow
Out Of Stock


  • Factory Original (OEM)

  • Factory original genuine button lock assembly that connects all the metal wands together. This item has had several revisions.

    Effective serial number 1160328 domestic and 1685730 international.

    The wider current version compared to early production improves the consistency of the button springing back up through the hole.

    If your current wand system has a button latch that is pop riveted in, break the old button out of the wand and install this as a replacement. Saves on purchasing a new wand.

    Early production and markings:

  • Valco C-155-X CLEVE. OH Size: 5/8 inch (.6240 inch - 15.86 mm)
  • Valco C-156-X CLEVE. OH Size: 3/4 inch (.7490 inch - 19.03 mm)
  • Current production does not have markings but is the larger of the two sizes above.

    Brand: Colors of Rainbow, Model: E, E2, E3 models R12587 wand lock/spring, Color: Stainless, Size: PACK 4

    Custom Tab 01

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