Fluke Networks 10061810 D914S Impact Punch Down Tool with EverSharp 66/110 Cut Blade

Fluke Networks
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  • Lifetime Warranty
  • D914S soft touch impact tool features a rubber handle and special ergonomic design for better grip and to reduce hand fatigue
  • Hook & spudger tools and blade storage are built into the handle
  • Automatic spring handle--choose low impact for 24/26-gauge wire or high impact for 22-gauge wire
  • Includes 66/110 EverSharp blade for termination into 66/110 wiring blocks
  • For replacement blades search 'Fluke Networks 10056000'

  • The D914 series punch down tool provides quality terminations on the first punch, helping to achieve the highest quality possible on network installations. It's the only impact tool that combines torque and impact in one tool. It also includes a built-in hook and spudger into the handle. Use the hook to remove wires from any style block or to help trace wires. Use the spudger to remove the cross-connect module from the mounting bracket. Quick and easy blade replacement, and extra blade storage available in the handle. The D914S model includes all of these great features, plus an ergonomically designed handle made with special rubber to reduce impact recoil and hand fatigue.
    Brand: Fluke Networks, Model: 10061810, Color: yellow, blue, black, Size: With Eversharp 66/110 Cut Blade

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