Flexcut Carving Tools, Mallet-Carving Chisels and Gouges for Woodworking, Starter Set of 6 (MC150)

Flexcut Tool
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  • Set of six chisels and gouges for mallet carving with wooden tool box.
  • Sturdy ash handles hold up to being driven by mallet or by hand.
  • Ideal for carving hardwoods and other dense or large projects.
  • Razor-sharp hard carbon steel blade is ready to use right out of the package.
  • Made in the USA

  • This 6 Piece Mallet Starter Set from Flexcut is designed to be the perfect place to begin your mallet carving tool collection. It includes a range of five gouges and one V tool. With sturdy ash handles and razor-sharp, high carbon steel blades, these tools can be used by hand or struck with a mallet. Their flexible blades are designed to give you the most control possible. Gouges are measured by sweep no.(no.1, flat, to no.11, U shaped) X width, this set includes: no.3 X 1", no.5 X 11/16", no.7 X 7/16", no.11 X 1/4", no.10 X 9/16". The V tool is 60 degrees X 3/8".
    Brand: Flexcut Tool, Model: MC150, Color: Brown, Size: 6-Piece Mallet Starter Set

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