Xpanz Pencil pouches are expandable and have plenty of room to keep all your small School Supplies in one convenient place. Polyester cover material is durable and made to last.
The front mesh exterior pocket provides additional storage and a quick look inside. Two zippers to open Main compartment and front pocket. Pouch has 3 elastic binder loops to store in a 3 ring binder.
Each Pouch measures 10" x 6-3/8" and is expandable. Available in assorted colors: black/Yellow, Cobalt blue/black, royal purple/aqua, red/gray, lime/silver, teal/pink.
Note: color choice is not available for this item. color shipped to you is selected at random, and will vary.
Always have your important school supplies handy with Five Star xpanz Pencil pouches. The expandable pouch is made of polyester, with a mesh exterior pocket that provides a look inside for a quick view of the contents. Includes two zippers, one to open the mesh exterior pocket and one to open the main expanding area of the pouch. Ideal for securely storing pens, pencils, erasers, money and more. Three elastic loops allow you to easily store the pouch in a 3 ring binder. Dimensions: 10" x 6-3/8" x 1/2". note: color choice is not available for this Item. color shipped to you is selected at random, and will vary. Brand: FIVE STAR, Model: 50206
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