Ideal for cutting a zigzag pattern along a fabric edge to limit the length of frayed threads, preventing unraveling and keeping projects crisp and clean
Extended lower blade helps lift fabric for precise cuts
High-grade, precision-ground, stainless-steel blades offer a lasting sharp edge that cuts all the way to the tip
Length: 8 inch
Lifetime warranty
These Pinking Shears cut a zigzag edge that helps prevent fraying, just like our standard Pinking Shears, and the addition of Softgrip to the handle helps reduce hand fatigue on big jobs. High-grade, stainless-steel blades feature a precision-ground edge that stays sharp longer and cuts all the way to the tip — essential for anyone who cuts fabric. An ergonomically sculpted handle with Softgrip provide unmatched cutting control and comfort, and a bent handle design keeps materials flat for precise cuts every time. Brand: Fiskars, Model: 98987097J, Color: Steel and Orange
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