Fisher-Price Stackin' Sounds Animals

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  • There's no wrong way to stack these colorful animal friends. Stack 'em, mix 'em up, and stack 'em up again
  • Each animal friend is a different color and has its own unique rattle or jingle sound
  • Just the right size for little hands to grasp, hold and stack
  • Helps develop fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination and more
  • Set includes a hippo, elephant and crocodile animal friend

  • Three colorful, sculpted animal friends - a hippo, elephant and crocodile - really stack up when it comes to helping baby develop fine motor skills! your little one can stack them any way he chooses. There's no wrong way to stack, so baby builds confidence while developing problem-solving skills! they're just the right size for little hands to grasp and hold, and each animal friend is a different color - with its own unique sound to provide auditory and visual stimulation. The hippo even features a clear nose with colorful rattle beads that bounce around inside when shaken - a great way to introduce cause and effect. New 2014.
    Brand: Fisher-Price, Model: BGP41, Color: Multi/None, Size: NO SIZE

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