Fisher-Price Rock-a-Stack and Baby's 1st Blocks Bundle

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  • Rock-a-Stack toy lets baby sort & stack the five colorful rings, then bat at the wobbly rocker base to discover what happens
  • Stacking rings on the base from biggest to smallest helps baby understand the concept of relative size
  • Baby's First Blocks offer put & take play, as well as stacking, sorting and matching to help baby develop problem-solving skills
  • Grasping & sorting help baby develop finger & hand dexterity
  • Placing blocks in bucket helps strengthen eye-hand coordination

  • This value-priced set includes a Rock-a-Stack toy with five colorful rings to sort & stack, and Baby's First Blocks with 10 colorful blocks to sort, stack & drop! This duo of classic Fisher-Price toys will keep baby busy through every age, from infant to toddler – providing crawling to sitting to walking play!
    Brand: Fisher-Price, Model: BJT80, Color: B

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